Sedation Dentistry

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A Solution for Dental Anxiety

If you’ve been avoiding dental visits due to fear or anxiety, we have a transformative solution for you. Sedation dentistry, an advanced set of pain-management techniques, which can significantly ease your anxiety before dental appointments.

This approach allows you to undergo necessary dental treatments without the excessive worry typically associated with dental procedures. Whether you require dental implants, porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, periodontal treatment, fillings, or other services, sedation dentistry can make your visit far more relaxing and stress-free. Contact Oakwood Dental today to schedule an appointment at our Old Bridge location.

Sedation Dentistry is being offered to patients from all Oakwood Dental practices. However it is currently being performed only at our Old Bridge location. Limiting these services to one facility allows us to maintain exceptionally high quality standards and assure strict adherence to appropriate safety protocols.

Staten Island Mall Dentist

True Sedation Dentistry

What Is Considered Routine Dental Care

IV Sedation

For patients with moderate to severe dental anxiety, intravenous (IV) sedation may be recommended. This advanced technique involves administering a sedative through an injection, allowing the dentist to control and adjust the sedation level throughout the procedure. Our anesthesiologist & sedation dentist, Dr Vincent Pannone, ensures the utmost safety and effectiveness during IV sedation.

Candidates for Sedation

Fearful or Apprehensive patients

Dental Phobias

Medically Compromised Patients

Treatment under IV sedation may be the safer way to receive dental treatment for patients
with compromised health status.

1. Cardiovascular patients have a reduced risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event (heart
attack, stroke, etc.) when receiving sedation dentistry

2. Epileptic patients have a reduced risk of experiencing a seizure when receiving sedation

3. Patients who suffer with a gag reflex. IV sedation reduces the body’s gag reflex, improving the patient’s treatment experience as
well as improving the technical outcomes of the dentistry

4. Anyone (Elective sedation)
Patients who want their experience to be generally more tolerable, to be more relaxed and
comfortable during their treatment, especially for longer procedures, and who want to have little to no memory of the treatment

IV Sedation – Parenteral (Moderate) Conscious Sedation
Sedation Dentistry is being offered to patients from all Oakwood practices., We currently only perform this at our Old Bridge location.

Dr Vincent Pannone

Sedation Training:
  Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University (2022)
  St. Joseph’s University Medical Center (2023)

Related Professional Associations/Memberships:
  American Dental Society of Anesthesiology
  New Jersey Dental Society of Anesthesiology

What Is Considered Routine Dental Care

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

Sedation dentistry can help you overcome dental fears and ensure a more comfortable and relaxing treatment experience. Here are some frequently asked questions about sedation dentistry:

How can sedation dentistry help me?

Sedation dentistry is crucial for individuals with dental anxiety. It can help those with fear of needles, past traumatic experiences, discomfort with dental care sensations, difficulty getting numb, or mild to severe dental phobia. Sedation dentistry enables you to relax and experience virtually pain-free dental treatments.

Who administers the sedation?

At Oakwood Dental, Dr Vincent Panonne will administer sedation. They will be in touch before the procedure, monitor you throughout, and follow up afterward to ensure your well-being. All sedation patients are continuously monitored (via EKG, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, capnography, respiratory monitoring, etc) the entire time.

Should I arrange for someone to take me to and from the office?

Yes, if you opt for oral or IV sedation, you MUST arrange for someone to drive you to and from your appointment. Both options can leave you feeling woozy and tired, so you’ll need assistance getting home safely.

Will someone be monitoring me during the treatment?

Absolutely. The anesthesiologist will monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Will I feel any pain during the procedure?

With sedation dentistry, you will likely not feel any pain or discomfort. These techniques are designed to provide a pain-free, stress-free, and even pleasant treatment experience.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.