If you think you’re in need of an orthodontic treatment but dread metal braces or wires, then this might be the ideal solution for you. The reason for not going for the traditional solution might be glaring. Perhaps wearing braces doesn’t fit into your lifestyle, or maybe you’re a public speaker who talks a lot.
The same can be said for teens, as wearing braces can make them the center of jokes in high school, or even become distracting. These situations prove that traditional braces aren’t always the best fit, making Invisalign an incredible alternative.
Whether you’re tired of your crooked teeth, or perhaps desire a straight smile, we’ve got you covered. You no longer need to bear with your plight, when there is a solution other than traditional braces without anyone knowing what you’re doing.
What is Invisalign
Invisalign is a series of aligners that users wear to straighten their teeth. With a couple of visits to your dentist, you’ll straighten your teeth without using traditional braces. At the end of your treatment, you’re likely to notice a great boost of improvement in your facial appearance. Here are some incredible benefits of choosing Invisalign as an orthodontic solution.
Invisible solution
Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign is entirely invisible and ensures you straighten your teeth without letting anyone know what you’re doing. Your friends, family or colleagues at work might never know cause these aligners are pretty invisible.
When you work with us, we ensure that the aligners are made fit for your mouth. Since the aligners are made from plastic materials. It’s smooth, and allows you to flex without any problems.
1. Customizable
Aside from comfort, Invisalign is customized to fit into your mouth and stay in position without falling off. You don’t need to worry about it moving around your mouth, as they are kept firmly in place.
2. Removable
An incredible feature with invisalign is that they are pretty removable. Your dentist will recommend you wear them for 20 to 22 hours a day, and take them out when you’re about to eat, brush or perhaps floss.
3. Effective Result
The best thing with Invisalign is that it’s been proven to work. Before the end of your treatment, you’re most likely to notice massive improvement in the way your teeth look.
Should you go for an Invisalign?
If you’re less confident about the way your teeth look, and not ready to go braces, then Invisalign might be the best option. Once you’re nearly the end of your treatment cycle, you will notice how healthy and beautiful your smile is.
If you want to learn more about Invisalign or perhaps begin the treatment, it would be good if you book a consultation with us today. Go ahead and give us a call or filling out the contact form.