New Year, New Image with Dental Implants in Staten Island

by | Jan 11, 2018

Thanksgiving and the holidays has past and the New Year is here. As people across the world begin 2018 by setting resolutions, have you begun to think of your own?

They could be as simple as shedding a few pounds, reading more frequently, or even planning family dinners once a week, but more often than not, resolutions are set with the intention of self-improvement. When it comes to your teeth, proper oral hygiene and solving dental issues will not only result in an aesthetic improvement, but one that will positively impact your overall health and happiness as well. An attractive smile can improve self confidence, allowing you to maintain healthy and prosperous social and business relationships.

If you are missing one or more teeth, this may not only be damaging to your self-esteem, but also cause issues for the jaw and structure of the mouth. When there is no tooth root to support, the jawbone may deteriorate, causing other teeth to shift or the face to collapse. These issues can lead to worse problems that will affect speech and chewing. A dental implant procedure in Staten Island might just be your best option for restoring the beautiful smile you once had, regaining full functionality, and also strengthening the jawbone.

So this year, consider investing in your health, happiness and future with the best dental implants Staten Island has to offer at Oakwood Dental. The experienced professionals will make you feel at ease and address any concerns that you might have regarding the procedure. Dental implants can restore the life that you once had—free of embarrassment, judgment and worry. It’s a New Year; invest in a new image with dental implants in Staten Island!

Written By Nick

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