How To Take Care Of Your Teeth In The Winter 

by | Nov 18, 2021

Winter is coming, and in case you don’t know, your precious teeth need additional care as this time of the year approaches. Fail to do so, and you set yourself up for some dental issues that could overly destroy your teeth. No kidding.

Not to be dramatic, but you can’t afford to not prepare for winter, especially against issues like tooth sensitivity, cracks in the teeth, and lots more. In this article, you’re going to learn some practical ways you can use to protect your teeth and gums in the winter.

1. Visit the dentist

For the sake of your oral health, your best friend during the winter is your dentist. It is paramount you visit your dentist regularly to help you maintain good oral health. During the winter, you might need to increase the number of times you visit the dentist.

This helps deal with minor dental problems that might surface due to the freezing weather. Failing to visit your dentist can turn into a nightmare. It is a mistake you can’t afford to make.

2. A few changes to how your brush

Brushing and flossing your teeth is incredibly important, as that is one way to maintain good oral hygiene. However, it is not always about the activity, but how you go about it. Experts advise that brushing your teeth twice a day is ideal, as it helps fight against the infection spreading germs.

When choosing a brush, go for ones that have a soft bristle, since hard brushes can damage the enamel. If you’re suffering from tooth sensitivity, do well to use a toothpaste made for sensitive teeth.

3. Care for your gums’

While your teeth need special attention during the winter, so do your gums especially since winter is known for the cold, flu, and viral fever. Some of these bacteria responsible for all these diseases can also lead to gum infections or gingivitis. Make it a duty to use an antibacterial mouthwash to help avoid gum infections and other related gum problems.

4. Drink lots of water

The cold season comes with a drastic decrease in the consumption of water. This is not good news, as less intake of water can lead to dehydration which in turn leads to less production of saliva.

If you’re wondering what that does, remember one of the important functions of saliva, to do away food remnants between your teeth and also help fight some infection-causing bacteria. By drinking lots of water during winter, you’re giving your oral health every chance to survive the winter.

If you’re looking for the best dentist to help you prepare for the coming winter, feel free to give us a call, or better yet, use the contact form.


Written By Nick

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