Root Canal Therapy: Treatment, Process, And Benefit

by | Nov 10, 2021

The root canal is a part of the structure of a tooth that houses cells, nerves, and blood vessels that form the pulp. The outer part of the tooth, the amount we see and brush daily, is called the crown, while the other part dipped below the gums is called the root. The pulp is within the crown, connecting into the root.


A root canal therapy is a procedure that involves detecting and eliminating a contaminated or injured tooth pulp. The infected area of the tooth often causes pain and discomfort to the patient, making it necessary to get rid of the nerves in the sore place.

Many people fear this therapy because they think it is too painful and expensive, but that thought is a misconception. Getting rid of the infected pulp in the root canal relieves pain and doesn’t cost as much as having your tooth removed and replaced with artificial ones.

During this procedure, the dentist uses anesthesia so that the patient doesn’t feel pain. However, after the effects of the anesthesia subside, you may feel some discomfort as usual.


1. Excavation

After injecting anesthesia into the gums to numb the infected tooth area, the dentist cleans out the cavity and the infected pulp from the tooth. Excavation is done by creating a small hole on the crown and removing the unwanted dead pulp from within, using files. 

2. Filling

Next, the tooth is sanitized, and filled with a rubber-like filling tool, closing up the hole created. Remember, the pulp contains nerves, and since the point of the process is to remove the infected pulp, you won’t feel any sensation on that tooth because there are no nerves.

3. Crowning

Now that the tooth has no pulp, it is very vulnerable and grows fragile with time. To protect your newly treated tooth, you need to get a crown or filling fixed to shield it from your daily chewing activities.

Ideally, root canal therapy shouldn’t take time, and an appointment should be enough to carry out the procedure.


  1. A root canal procedure doesn’t take up your whole day.
  2. An infected pulp causes a lot of pain, causes you to lose appetite, and may even give you sleepless nights. This therapy gets rid of the pain and gets your life back on track.
  3. A root canal therapy isn’t as expensive as having the tooth pulled out; you get to have your tooth with no pain.
  4. You don’t have to worry about pain and discomfort because the doctors use anesthesia during the process. Afterward, some pills help to lessen the pain when the anesthesia wears off.
  5. The removal of infected pulp from your tooth prevents the spread of infection; if you leave an infected pulp for too long, it affects other teeth close to it.
  6. Your mouth hygiene heightens.
  7. Root canal therapy is more appealing than having a whole tooth removed and leaves your teeth arrangement attractive.

You’re ready for this procedure. Feel free to call us, or fill our contact form. We will ensure you get the best outcome possible.


Written By Nick

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