What to do When a Dental Emergency Occurs

What to do When a Dental Emergency Occurs

Almost everyone has suffered a dental emergency or knows someone who has had a dental emergency. When a tooth is knocked out or damaged, and sudden pain occurs, it can be easy to panic – but staying calm in an emergency situation can be crucial for a positive outcome....
Staten Island Dentist Wishes You A Happy Fourth

Staten Island Dentist Wishes You A Happy Fourth

Fourth of July is filled with fireworks and celebrations and Oakwood Dental of Staten Island wants you to be happy, that’s why we’re here to offer a few tips to keep your teeth healthy this 4th!  For starters, stay hydrated!! We know that during the holidays your...
New Year, New Image with Dental Implants in Staten Island

New Year, New Image with Dental Implants in Staten Island

Thanksgiving and the holidays has past and the New Year is here. As people across the world begin 2018 by setting resolutions, have you begun to think of your own? They could be as simple as shedding a few pounds, reading more frequently, or even planning family...