Make Your Healthy Smile Top Priority This New Year

by | Dec 23, 2014

It’s that time of year again—time to think about setting new goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. While many people like yourself might be focused on saving money, getting married, buying a house or traveling to new places, our dentists at Staten Island’s Oakwood Dental suggest making an effort to improve your oral health in order to have a brighter, healthier smile and improve your overall wellness.

A healthy smile is extremely important—it increases your confidence level and attractiveness, and can in turn dictate a first impression. Whether you are looking to find a new job position, meet a significant other, or simply start living your everyday life in a better way, taking care of your oral health can propel you in the right direction. Basic dental hygiene habits like regularly brushing your teeth, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash will help to prevent you from unsightly plaque buildup, painful cavities, gum disease and bad breath.

While you can do your best to keep teeth clean and eliminate as much cavity-causing bacteria as possible, the best way to ensure that your efforts are effective is to schedule regular checkups and teeth cleanings with us at Oakwood Dental in Staten Island. Keeping up with proper dental care can benefit not only your teeth, but also your overall health. When oral bacterial are left to run rampant in the mouth, they can potentially spread through your bloodstream, affecting the rest of your body. Aside from oral infections and gum disease, oral bacteria that spread can result in immune disorders and problems with the heart or other major organs.

No matter what your goal is for 2015, taking care of your oral health will help you to feel better and look better, allowing you to achieve whatever you desire. In this upcoming New Year, we want you to have a beautiful, healthy smile and pursue goals with confidence; so make your resolution to take special care of your teeth by visiting our Staten Island dentist office soon!

Written By Nick

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